Thursday 17 October 2013


more coming!


I was thinking of a brand that is willing to put the story inside the moon cake box, then this came across my mind.
It's a library, what if a library sell or giveaway the moon cake , so that people became more aware of the history rather than just eating the moon cake in vain....
* even my lecturer didn't knew the story lol"

Here's a slight trailer for it,I'll upload more later, cause the picture is somewhere not within my reach AHAHAHA...

Here are the print version of it, Will post the real thing Tmrow! Stay tuned!!


There's also an attempt to use a so called "garbage Panda" , I wanna dress and use it to fill in the moon cake and you can recycle it into a lantern after eating all the moon cake.
I didn't see anything wrong in using it as a food packaging, There was never a single garbage inside.
I think people are just stupid and fooled by design.
Some people always stereotype things and what it was meant for.
This limits certain creativity on the field.

#Moon #Cake #Get #It ?

so, this is the first and the rejected attempt of making the moon cake box
It was inspired by combining contemporary and traditional chinese design.
The look of the outside Looks more contemporary, but when you look inside it kinda reminds you like the old chinese. And there's a story of the whole moon cake thing, CHECK IT OUT! ahhaaha

A KHUB in A box

so, I'm doin the first exercise by my self, INCASE my group mate didn't turn out, cause they're just that kind of people... AHAHAHAHAHA so anyway, they actually turn up and we did a whole different thing, rather than let it slip away like that, why not post it here? AHAHAHA

So, to hold the cup steadily, I use two plastic cup holder to keep it on the center forever ahahaha