Sunday 1 December 2013


So, for the final assignment, we're force (ahahaha) to make something out of NESTLE product and make it somehow localize to Malaysia.
I choose Nescafe, because I like coffee, and I combine it with strange flavors AHAHAHA.
 Those flavors are:
1. Hibiscus, Its a flower, a symbol of malaysia.
2. Coconut, which is a common stuff for Tropical country.
3. Green tea, because normal tea is too mainstream, although it is not from malaysia, It is very popular in malaysia.

First start with the graphic, I choose an instant coffee, And kinda like make it Vintage and TRopical look .

The packaging look like a vending machine, divided by 3 row to present the three falovur

Just roll the graphic and it's done! btw I make a 1:1 ratio for the stand, so it will look like the real thing! ahahahaa

Sadly, these Idea got a quite harsh comment or something like that.
Oh well I don't really care ahahaha
Ok stick on this and there'll be a new one! cya next time my fans!

Thursday 17 October 2013


more coming!


I was thinking of a brand that is willing to put the story inside the moon cake box, then this came across my mind.
It's a library, what if a library sell or giveaway the moon cake , so that people became more aware of the history rather than just eating the moon cake in vain....
* even my lecturer didn't knew the story lol"

Here's a slight trailer for it,I'll upload more later, cause the picture is somewhere not within my reach AHAHAHA...

Here are the print version of it, Will post the real thing Tmrow! Stay tuned!!


There's also an attempt to use a so called "garbage Panda" , I wanna dress and use it to fill in the moon cake and you can recycle it into a lantern after eating all the moon cake.
I didn't see anything wrong in using it as a food packaging, There was never a single garbage inside.
I think people are just stupid and fooled by design.
Some people always stereotype things and what it was meant for.
This limits certain creativity on the field.